
As far as it was possible, I travel happily inexpensively!!

TAIWAN Travel feat.WBSC Premier12 watching Travel in 2015access

LCC(Low Cost Carrier) have become popular in East Asia, and it has become possible to travel from JAPAN to TAIWAN easily and cheaply.
I have been to KAOHSIUNG(高雄) before, but I never visited TAIPEI(台北).
Under such circumstances, The international baseball tournament (WBSC Premier12) was newly established, and the qualifying round was held in TAIPEI(台北).
I decided to travel to main TAIPEI(台北) to watch a baseball game.




I arrived at TAIPEI(TAOYUAN AIRPORT) after AM1:00 when the date changed...
After that, I took a bus from the airport to near Taipei Main Station.
Late at night, the area around TAIPEI STATION was quiet
Since I arrived late at night, I decided to save money and spend the night in the sauna.
Local restaurant was open near the sauna, so I have a late dinner here.
I ordered Minced Pork Rice(魯肉飯/Lurou fan) and Wonton Noodles(雲呑麺/Wonton mein)ルーローハンとワンタンメン
And I arrived at the SAUNA(金年華三温暖/JinNianHua SAUNA) that I had checked in advance↓
金年華サウナ 金年華三温暖
There is information that the sauna here is closed(As of August 2022)...
Of course, there was no need to make a reservation, and I was able to take a bath and sleep in the nap space.
The bathing fee is about NT$600(≒2,100yen) for 12hours.
I couldn't get a good night's sleep, so I woke up earlier than planned and left the sauna before 9:00...
When I was walking down the street, I noticed that the sports dubroid newspaper had a WBSC Premier 12 feature, so I bought it↓
台湾 スポーツ新聞 郭俊麟 西武ライオンズ 台湾 スポーツ新聞 陽岱鋼 北海道日本ハムファイターズ 読売ジャイアンツ 巨人台湾 スポーツ新聞 王貞治 読売ジャイアンツ 巨人
After leaving the SAUNA, I headed to ALPHA Photo Studio(阿法写真館).
I heard that TAIWAN is famous for Changing photography, so I try transvestite once↓
変身写真 台湾 女装 阿法写真館 台北 変身写真 台湾 女装 阿法写真館 台北 変身写真 台湾 女装 阿法写真館 台北 変身写真 台湾 女装 阿法写真館 台北
I feel like I have a little bit of myself, but it's changed quite a bit...
By the way, I spent 15,000yen(JP) on this... and the shooting time etc was about 3 hours.
In the afternoon, I finally arrived at the hotel↓
台湾 台北駅近く ホテル ゲストハウス インペイジホテル InpageHotel 台湾 台北駅近く ホテル ゲストハウス インペイジホテル InpageHotel
The name of this hotel is InPage Hotel.
I made a reservation on “Booking.comand it was about 3,000yen(JP).
The room is small, but privacy is guaranteed↓
台湾 台北駅近く ホテル ゲストハウス インペイジホテル InpageHotel 台湾 台北駅近く ホテル ゲストハウス インペイジホテル InpageHotel
Enough for me...!?
And Toilets and showers are shared↓
台湾 台北駅近く ホテル ゲストハウス インペイジホテル InpageHotel 台湾 台北駅近く ホテル ゲストハウス インペイジホテル InpageHotel
After completing the hotel check-in procedure, I was hungry, so I went out for a meal while taking a walk around the hotel↓
台湾 下町 DownTown 台湾 下町 DownTown
There was a restaurant making WONTONS that looked delicious, so I decided to eat here↓台湾 Taiwan Taipei ワンタンメン WontonNoodles 台湾 Taiwan Taipei ワンタンメン WontonNoodles台湾 Taiwan Taipei ワンタンメン WontonNoodles
Japanese I felt it...The noodles tasted like Japanese UDON.
I didn't have anything to do on this day, so I try “TAIWAN style shampoo”↓
台北 台湾 シャンプー TaiwanShampoo
I'm a guy with short hair, so it didn't look cute.
So I searched for a YouTube and found that a Taiwanese actress who is active in Japan introduced “TAIWAN style shampoo”↓

As you can see in the photo above, the price was NT$230(≒800yen).
However, my friend's wife said, "Isn't it a little expensive? But it's the central TAIPEI, so I wonder if it's worth that much."
Actually, I have a Japanese friend who lives in TAIPEI, and he married a Taiwanese lady.
I had promised to have dinner with them at night.
Of course, I left the restaurant up to them and they took me to this restaurant↓ChangBaiRestaurant Taipei Menu 台湾 台北 長白小館 しゃぶしゃぶ
The restaurant is called Zhang Bai Xiao Guan(長白小館), and my friend said it was a very famous restaurant.
In this way, you can arrange the sauce to your liking, and this hot pot (菜酸白肉鍋/CaiSuan BaiRou Guo)was also delicious↓
ChangBaiRestaurant Taipei Menu 台湾 台北 長白小館 しゃぶしゃぶ ChangBaiRestaurant Taipei Menu 台湾 台北 長白小館 しゃぶしゃぶ
After that, we went to a friend's area and had a late party at a seafood restaurant↓
Taipei Seafood IZAKAYA 台湾 台北 海鮮居酒屋 Taipei Seafood IZAKAYA 台湾 台北 海鮮居酒屋
Taipei Seafood IZAKAYA 台湾 台北 海鮮居酒屋
After saying goodbye to my friend, I dropped in TAIWANESE YOSHINOYA(吉野家) on my way back to the hotel↓
台湾 台北 吉野家 Taiwan Taipei YOSHINOYA 台湾 台北 吉野家 Taiwan Taipei YOSHINOYA
Late-night restaurants have a strange atmosphere in any country...
And TAIWANESE YOSHINOYA seemed to have more menus than JAPANESE YOSHINOYA
台湾 吉野家 メニュー
I went to bed early in the morning...
I went to bed late, so I woke up late. And the expected hangover...
Anyway...I just want something to drink...
So instead of breakfast, I decided to go to a milk tea restaurant called “WuShi lan/50嵐”, which my friend's wife told me about↓
台湾 台北 50嵐 Taiwan Taipei 50ARASHI IGARASHI タピオカミルクティー 台湾 台北 50嵐 Taiwan Taipei 50ARASHI IGARASHI タピオカミルクティー
Taiwanese milk tea with tapioca is very popular in JAPAN.
And this milk tea restaurant is everywhere in TAIPEI.
I ordered with "half sugar(半糖)" recommended by my friend's wife↓
台湾 台北 50嵐 Taiwan Taipei 50ARASHI IGARASHI タピオカミルクティー 台湾 台北 50嵐 Taiwan Taipei 50ARASHI IGARASHI タピオカミルクティー
After that, I decided to drop in National Palace Museum(故宮博物院/Gugong Bowuyuan)before the game.
Because, fortunately, TIANMU STADIUM(天母球場/Tianmu Bangqiu Chang)and the PNational Palace Museum, the venues for tonight's match, were close to each other↓
台湾 台北 故宮博物館 Taiwan Taipei NatinalPalaceMuseum
For the time being, I was satisfied to watch famous “Meat Shaped Stone” and “Jadeite Cabbage”...And above all, this museum is huge!!
I was exhausted by the end of the museum...haha...
After that, I walk to TIANMU STADIUM.
On the way, we passed a place like a luxury residential area↓
台湾 台北 高級住宅街
After walking for over an hour, I arrived at TIANMU STADIUM
台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium
As soon as I arrived, the rain I was most afraid of was falling↓
台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium
But the rain has stopped somehow↓
台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium rain 雨Play Ball!!↓
台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12
I watch this game from the cheap seats(NT$800≒2,500yen)on the 2nd floor, there was a crowd of people at the commentary seats that I could see from the 2nd floor.
When I looked closely, I could watch SADAHARU OH, and there was a line of people waiting to shake his hand↓
台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12
SADAHARU OH responded to the handshake at the timing of the change of the inning and responded, "Let's watch carefully during the game."
The game ended with Japan's victory thanks to SYO NAKATA home run and walk-off hits from the FIGHTERS!!
After the game, we will stop by the SHILIN NIGHT MARKET(士林夜市/SHILIN YESHI),which is easily accessible from the subway station, and have a victory celebration↓
台湾 台北 士林夜市 ShilinNightMarket Taipei Taiwan 台湾 台北 士林夜市 ShilinNightMarket Taipei Taiwan
At SHILIN NIGHT MARKET, I shared a table with two Japanese University students.
When I talked to them, they said that they have been studying in Taiwan since high school.
I was surprised that they had studied abroad since high school...!?
I returned to the hotel in high spirits, and the excitement of winning made me want to drink more, so I decided to have a drink near the hotel...But But it's so quiet at night...
I asked a hotel employee, "Can I drink near the hotel?"
He replied, "I think there is a bar at the XINEN(西門), which is about a 15-minute walk away," so I headed for the XINEN(西門).
XINEN(西門) was easy to understand for me, a Japanese who can read Chinese characters(漢字:CH:Hanzi/JP:KanJi)
台湾 台北 西門 Ximen Taipei Taiwan ゲイタウン
I wanted to drink a few drinks at bar, but this place was not like that, it was like night market(street food) area.
And the biggest problem was the no toilets...So I didn't stay long and returned to my hotel↓
台湾 台北 西門 Ximen Taipei Taiwan ゲイタウン 台湾 台北 西門 Ximen Taipei Taiwan ゲイタウン
And this XINEN(西門)...Maybe...I felt that it is the gay town.
Next Morining...
When I got up in the morning and went to a convenience store, I found that the previous night's game was on the front page of the newspaper, so I bought it and found that Japan's victory was also covered in the article↓
台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 現地の新聞 NEWSPAPER 台湾 台北 天母スタジアム 天母棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballMuseum TianmuBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 現地の新聞 NEWSPAPER
When I was walking around to eat brunch, I found CoCo ICHIBANYA(CoCo壱番屋).
CoCo ICHIBANYA(CoCo壱番屋) is a very popular curry restaurant in Japan, we(Japanese) call "COCO-ICHI".
It looked interesting so I decided to enter↓
台湾 台北 ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 Taiwan Taipei CoCoIchi Curry
I thought, "I want something that doesn't exist in Japan..."
there was a food called "MAPO CURRY"↓
台湾 台北 ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 Taiwan Taipei CoCoIchi Curry Memu メニュー 台湾 台北 ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 Taiwan Taipei CoCoIchi Curry Memu 麻婆カレー
MAPO TOFU(麻婆豆腐/MAPO DOUFU) is very popular and famous in Japan too.
However, I couldn't get a good image of the combination of curry and mapo tofu, so I ordered an omelet curry that looked delicious↓
台湾 台北 ココイチ CoCo壱番屋 Taiwan Taipei CoCoIchi OmeletteCurry
By the way, JAPANESE COCO-ICHI has "scrambled egg curry".
I kind of regretted not taking the adventure...hahaha...
I didn't have anything to do until baseball time, so I took a walk and found a fashionable area, so so I entered here↓
松山文創園区 台湾 台北 Taiwan Taipei SongshanculturalPark 松山文創園區
Probably,The old factory or warehouse that was fashionably renovated into a shopping mall or event venue↓
松山文創園区 台湾 台北 Taiwan Taipei SongshanculturalPark 松山文創園區 松山文創園区 台湾 台北 Taiwan Taipei SongshanculturalPark 松山文創園區
松山文創園区 台湾 台北 Taiwan Taipei SongshanculturalPark 松山文創園區 松山文創園区 台湾 台北 Taiwan Taipei SongshanculturalPark 松山文創園區
I didn't know if it was a special exhibition or a permanent exhibition, I got the impression that most of the works I saw that day were contemporary art by young artists.
And then to the stadium...I enjoyed this day from the observation of practice↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 練習 JAPAM 侍ジャパン 台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 練習 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 練習 JAPAM 侍ジャパン 台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 練習 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
It's an international match...
ATUYA FURUTA(Old Swallows excellent catcher) and major scouts were also there↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園野球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 古田敦也 JAPAM 侍ジャパン 台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園野球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 メジャースカウト JAPAM 侍ジャパン
Japan won the game this day too↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園野球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン 台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園野球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
Looking back on the way back, TAOYUAN STADIUM(桃園国際棒球場/Taoyuan Bangqiu Chang) was illuminated and it was very beautiful↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
Actually, this day was the last day of the travel...
I have to go to the airport after this, but I had some time so I went to a restaurant near the stadium.
Coincidentally, there were Japanese students who were going back to the hotel near the airport after, and I had a victory party with them.↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム近くの居酒屋 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
The restaurant had a great atmosphere↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム近くの居酒屋 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン 台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム近くの居酒屋 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
We mainly ordered skewers↓
台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム近くの居酒屋 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン 串焼き 台湾 台北 桃園スタジアム近くの居酒屋 桃園国際棒球場 Taiwan Taipei BaseballStadium TaoyunBaseballStadium WBSCプレミア12 WBSC Premier12 JAPAM 侍ジャパン
As the flight time approached, I asked the staff to call a taxi for me to go to the airport.


DAY:1 TOKYO(NARITA)→TAIPEI I arrived on a late night flight and spent the night in the sauna.
DAY:2 TAIPEI I took photos Cross-dressing,and I ate dinner with friends at night.
DAY:3 TAIPEI(TAOYUAN) After visiting National Palace Museum, I went to Tianmu Stadium.
DAY:4  TAOYUAN→NARITA After watching the baseball game, I left Airport on midnight flight.
航空券情報 ■Outbound: I bought it at Vanilla Air in beginning of September for 9,300 yen.
■Return: I bought it at Tiger Air in early September for TWD2,208(≒7,800yen).


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